Hello Granite Goodness subscribers!
Two days ago, Granite Goodness turned 8 months old.
I wanted to take a minute to address you all directly (which I haven’t actually done since starting this thing) and give an update of how it’s all going.
Basically: great!!!
I first want to thank each and every one of you. The fact that anyone (who isn’t my mom) actually wants to see my work directly in their email inbox is still amazing to me. So thank you all for reading, listening, sharing, etc— this thing has grown 100% by word of mouth, and that’s not an accident!
I’d also like to thank all of my guests!!! You are all extraordinary people. I can’t wait to see you all again at the next reunion. Thank you for sharing your vision and work for a better NH and a better world.
Lastly I want to thank the many people who have helped Granite Goodness grow and improve— offering feedback, connections, resources, and time. Special shout out to my friends Cody and Emily Whelan at Treeline Outfitters in Portsmouth, NH— the home base of Granite Goodness where I record the majority of episodes. Without their generosity, Granite Goodness would not be where it is today!
Now to the meat and potatoes.
Granite Goodness officially launched on June 20, 2024. So far we’ve done:
42 published episodes (with 6 more recorded, working on producing these!) featuring conversations with Granite State problem solvers in the areas of entrepreneurship, supply chain ethics, civic education, farmland access, sustainable banking, housing, trade careers, archaeology, food insecurity, renewables, restaurants, nitrogen pollution, fashion, politics, community workshops, artistic creativity, disability policy, higher education, environmental justice, and so much more.
Added video to interviews beginning with episode 18
12 published Good News in NH newsletters, including my mega 2024 roundup post of my 99 favorite stories (another one coming out soon)
Had one amazing Granite Goodness guest reunion (more to come!)
Published an article in NH Business Review (thank you NHBSR for gifting me your regular Sustainability Spotlight column).
Appeared on the amazing Creative Guts Podcast
Been mentioned in the Progress Network’s newsletter (my heroes)
Showed a member of NH’s congressional delegation Granite Goodness!
Last, but most importantly, I have had an outrageous amount of fun doing this. Just getting started!!
Some exciting stuff is also in the works in terms of events, collaborations, guests…it’s going to be a wild spring and summer, so stay tuned ; )
If any of you have feedback for me, I would be very curious to hear it. Would love to hear how you learned about Granite Goodness, why you subscribed, what you like or dislike, or anything you’d like to share.
If you enjoy the podcast, please consider leaving a review or rating on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. If you send me a picture of your rating or review and let me know your mailing address, I will personally mail you some Granite Goodness stickers!! (BIG thank you to anyone who has already left a review). You can contact me on Instagram, Linkedin, Facebook, or email me at hello@granitegoodness.com
Thank you all for the love and support!
You are a bright light in the world, Andy! Keep up the amazing work.
Perhaps I am a bit biased but this is the greatest podcast ever! Love, your Mom💕