99 Good New Hampshire News Stories from 2024
A year-end round up of progress and solutions in environment, energy, agriculture, government, housing, construction, economics, and education in the Granite State

Hello! Welcome to the Good News in New Hampshire Newsletter, part of Granite Goodness. We share stories of progress, solutions, and positivity in and around New Hampshire. This is a special edition of the newsletter, where I am rounding up 99 of my favorite stories from 2024.
My name is Andy DeMeo. I’ve lived in New Hampshire all my life.
At Granite Goodness we believe that being aware of progress and positivity leaves people more inspired to create their own. Optimism, kindness, and the will to solve complex problems are infectious qualities.
Also, being an optimist is just more fun.
As a general rule, this newsletter aims to include stories that fit the following criteria:
The story is in or about New Hampshire
The story is about something bigger than singular acts of kindness
The story is about something good— people building, creating, or doing things that improve the world and reduce suffering
Just think- as long as it’s good and New Hampshire sized, it belongs here! If you have any story tips, let us know at hello@granitegoodness.com.
For more personal stories about progress in New Hampshire, make sure to check our podcast, Granite Goodness, available anywhere.
GRANITE GREENERY - Sustainability & Environment
NH Audubon sees record breaking breeding season results for bald eagles and peregrine falcons*
The Bald Eagle was removed from NH's Endangered and Threatened Wildlife List in 2017 after 20 years of strong growth, while Peregrines, still state-threatened, continue their gradual recovery in the post-DDT era. - NH Audubon
*Shout out to Granite Goodness podcast guest, Willa Coroka, who works for NH Audubon!
NH Nature Conservancy wins $10 million for climate smart forestry
The Nature Conservancy in New Hampshire received a $10 million NRCS grant to administer a Regional Conservation Partnership Program, providing financial aid, training, and technical support to landowners in NH and Western Maine for climate-resilient forest management. - The Nature Conservancy
USDA awards $11.5 million to Connecticut River Conservancy (CRC)
The grant represents the largest funding award in the CRC’s history, with 100% of funds allocated toward restoration projects in New Hampshire’s section of the Connecticut River watershed. - Connecticut River Conservancy
SELT Conserves 154 Acre Great Bay Farm
SELT, the Town of Greenland, and the Smith family secured an easement on the iconic 154-acre Great Bay Farm, protecting wildlife, drinking water, and the Great Bay Estuary. - Southeast Land Trust of NH (SELT)
New 314-acre Addition to Jennings Forest in New Durham
Elisabeth Maley donated 314 acres across Middleton Road from the 385-acre Jennings Forest Reservation, now called the Jennings Forest Maley Tract. - Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests
NH startups with ocean-applicable tech selected to receive funding*
Blueswell—a collaboration between SeaAhead, Inc and the New England Aquarium, will help the young NH startups develop their products. - NHPR
*Shout out to Granite Goodness podcast guest, Jason Plant, who is a co-founder of Hydrophos Solutions, one of the startups chosen
Joint effort results in 730-acre parcel in Berlin remaining as forestland
The Conservation Fund and NH Forest Society are preserving 730 acres as a working forest with public access. - Conway Daily Sun
558 Acres of critical habitat and water supply protected in Milton
SELT conserved the 558-acre Jones Brook property in Milton, protecting drinking water, diverse habitats, and two miles of trout-rich streams. - Southeast Land Trust of NH
Hopkinton family donates 455 acres for land conservation
A 455-acre mix of fields, forests, wetlands, and a beaver pond in Hopkinton and Henniker was donated to the NH Forest Society for permanent conservation. - Concord Monitor
68 acre conservation project completed in Amherst, NH
Over the course of 5 years, the Amherst Land Trust worked with the town to acquire the land and place it into a conservation easement. - Union Leader
140+ Acre Schafer Woods in Atkinson conserved
SELT, with support from the Town of Atkinson and a land donation from the Schafer family, conserved the 140-acre Schafer Woods. - Southeast Land Trust of NH
GRANITE GRID - Energy & Renewables
Monadnock Region enhances decarbonization efforts
Two Monadnock Region towns, Peterborough and Harrisville, received a $700,000 federal grant to install heat pumps in 200 buildings, advancing their goal of 100% renewable energy by 2050. - The Keene Sentinel
Large solar array coming to land along Merrimack River
A solar array capable of powering nearly 1,000 homes is being constructed along the Merrimack River in Concord. - Concord Monitor
NH among New England states awarded $389 million for grid upgrades
Named "Power Up," the proposal from the six New England states was submitted in April for the Department of Energy's $10.5 billion Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships grant program. - WBUR
Unitil launches New Hampshire's largest solar project, expected to power 1,200 homes
According to Unitil’s CEO, New Hampshire's largest solar project will feature over 11,000 solar panels, providing enough electricity to power more than 1,200 homes—nearly half the households in Kingston. - WMUR
NH Community Power announces new rates below utility prices
On Aug. 1, 2024 the Community Power Coalition of New Hampshire announced rates that remain lower than utility options. Community power enables municipalities to bulk-purchase energy, often at lower rates and with more renewable sources. - The Keene Sentinel
University of New Hampshire retains ranking as elite sustainability campus*
AASHE’s Sustainable Campus Index recognizes top-performing colleges and universities across 17 sustainability impact areas. - UNH
*Shout out to Granite Goodness podcast guest Fiona Wilson, who is the Chief Sustainability Officer at UNH
*Additional shout out to Granite Goodness podcast guest Dovev Levine, who works with UNH’s Sustainability Institute
Dartmouth College buildings receive recognition for sustainability efforts
The buildings incorporate passive solar, natural ventilation, rooftop solar, radiant heat, energy efficient windows, and other features. - Dartmouth
Seacoast communities compete to see who can support the most clean energy
Seacoast communities, including Dover, Durham, Newmarket, Portsmouth, and Exeter are competing to see which can rally the most residents to choose higher electric rates for more renewable energy through local community power programs, with the challenge running until January 2025, when utilities update rates. - NH Public Radio
Green Building Becomes More Affordable and More Common
Advocates say that opportunities in green building go beyond saving money, emphasizing a moral obligation for companies to prioritize society's future. - Business NH Magazine
New Hampshire law provides new solar incentives for cities, drops ineffective consumer rebate program
A new law in New Hampshire restructures the state's Renewable Energy Fund, redirecting funds to support municipal solar projects while ending a widely criticized residential solar rebate program. - Energy News Network
NH among New England states to win $450 million to launch heat pump adoption program
The five states have independently encouraged residents to switch to heat pumps, but the grant will fund a coordinated effort through the New England Heat Pump Accelerator program. - WBUR
Committee established to study feasibility and impact of a New Hampshire Clean Energy, Community Resilience and Conservation Corps
HB 1499 directs the committee to design a civilian national service program to address local needs, including deploying clean energy, improving energy efficiency, restoring coastal wetlands, managing forests, protecting natural resources, and promoting healthy, resilient communities in New Hampshire. - Legiscan.com
GRANITE GARDENING - Farming & Agriculture
New Hampshire’s First-Ever Food System Strategic Plan is Underway
Granite Staters will gain easier access to local foods through a new collaboration between the NH Food Alliance, the NH Department of Agriculture, and UNH, where experts are developing the first strategic plan to support farmers, fishermen, and consumers. - UNH Today
Innovative programs across NH help new farmers get their start*
High land prices in New England limit opportunities for new and young farmers, but innovative partnerships and loan structures like the NH Farm Future Fund—led by the Cheshire Conservation District and Land for Good—help reduce land costs through conservation easements. - Daily Yonder.
*Shout to Granite Goodness podcast guest Caroline Tremblay, who wrote the article covering this story!
Additional shout out to Granite Goodness podcast guests Shemariah Blum-Evitts & Rachel Brice, who work for Land For Good
UNH Receives USDA Grant to Boost Climate-Resilient Farming Practices
Rich Smith— leader of the project— emphasized that providing local farmers with research-driven, practical support is central to their mission, adding that they strive to help farmers implement eco-friendly methods that both boost productivity and sustain healthy agricultural environments. - UNH Today
Farming program gives new Americans a growth opportunity
Starting in Dunbarton, Fresh Start has expanded to plots in Boscawen and Concord, now farmed by individuals from Rwanda, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, South Sudan, Somalia, Nepal, Ghana, Tanzania, Cameroon, Uganda, and Zimbabwe. - Union Leader
Sheep grow in popularity as solution to NH landscape management
Livestock can take on labor-intensive tasks, such as grazing steep hills at Gunstock Mountain Resort, where sheep access hard-to-reach areas and control invasive species like poison ivy without chemical treatments. - NHPR
New law helps NH schools access local food
Governor Chris Sununu approved a two-year, $250,000 pilot program under House Bill 1678 to incentivize New Hampshire schools to buy local, reimbursing selected schools for foods sourced in-state, including meats, produce, cider, and maple syrup. - NH Business Review
New farm-to-table style market opens in Loudon
Organizers have stated that their goal is to help consumers with and celebrate the sources of their food. - Patch.com
NH Farms reach price parity with supermarket produce
Earlier last year, NH farm produce prices were competitive with supermarkets, offering not just strawberries but also tomatoes, corn, carrots, cucumbers, potatoes, free-range chicken, eggs, and ice cream. - The Union Leader
GRANITE GOVERNING - Politics & Government

Governor signs bill raising marriage age to 18
Gov. Chris Sununu signed a law last summer that will bar those under 18 from getting marriage licenses in New Hampshire, adding the Granite State to a list of 11 other states that have fully banned marriage for minors. - New Hampshire Bulletin
Governor signs bill into law limiting fees for rental applicants
New Hampshire House Bill 283 states that before collecting any rental application or renewal fees, landlords must disclose the fee amount to prospective tenants and refund any amount exceeding the documented cost of background or credit checks within 30 days if the unit is not rented to the applicant. - InDepthNH
Governor signs bill requiring accessible voting machines in every town
Supporters of the bill have said the law helps to support those with vision and print disabilities in voting independently and privately. - Concord Monitor
Governor signs bill expanding legal protections for ethnic hairstyles
HB 1169 establishes the right of NH residents alleging discrimination from “protective hairstyles” (braids, cornrows, afros, etc.) to “initiate civil action… for legal or equitable relief.” - legiscan.com
New Hampshire bucks trend of national poll worker shortage
Before the elections, New Hampshire officials reported that the state was on track to properly staff polling locations, with town moderators and clerks near Concord noting recruitment to be consistent with previous years and sufficient to meet needs. - Concord Monitor
New law gives children in abuse and neglect cases the right to legal representation
A new law in New Hampshire grants children the right to legal counsel in abuse and neglect cases, a move hailed as a landmark by Lisa Wolford, executive director of the Children’s Law Center of New Hampshire. - Union Leader
New Hampshire law requires more transparency in AI-generated political ads
The law mandates disclosure of AI-generated content in political ads within 90 days of an election and allows candidates or officials depicted in deceptive deepfakes to take legal action against those responsible. - NH Business Review
Governor signs bill expanding NH unemployment insurance eligibility to work from home employees
SB 330 “repeals disqualification for unemployment benefits for those not available for work outside a home.” - legiscan.com
New law improves access to legal services for those in need*
In 2022, the Legislature launched a pilot program allowing paralegals to represent clients in domestic violence, family law, and housing cases at select courts. SB 361 extends the program by five years and expands it statewide to all District and Family Division court locations. - In Depth NH
*Shout out to Granite Goodness podcast guest Sarah Palermo, who previously worked for the NH Campaign for Legal Services
Governor signs bills enhancing election education for youth, ballot access for elderly, and election transparency
House Bill 1014 mandates that civics instruction in New Hampshire schools include information on election and voting laws, aiming to boost youth participation in elections.
House Bill 1098 permits town clerks and their assistants to deliver absentee ballots to nursing homes and elder care facilities.
House Bill 243 requires election officials to allow public observation of voting tabulators on election night and to post the tabulated results within 60 minutes of running the machines. - New Hampshire Bulletin
Bipartisan bail reform signed into law
Supporters of the bill have said it helps ensures that NH law enforcement has access to top-tier technology, judicial infrastructure, and statutory authority to keep New Hampshire communities safe. - Union Leader
Governor signs bill approving medical marijuana for all conditions
HB 1278 allows doctors to recommend cannabis for any debilitating condition they believe it could improve, removing the requirement for patients to have specific qualifying diagnoses. - Marijuana Moment
NH passes law prohibiting racial profiling
House Bill 596 is New Hampshire's first law to define and ban profiling, prohibiting law enforcement from using characteristics like race, ethnicity, gender identity, or socioeconomic status as the sole basis for interviewing, detaining, searching, or stopping an individual. – NH Bulletin
Governor signs law to help ease housing shortage
House Bill 1400 grants municipalities more authority to relax zoning requirements and provide tax incentives for converting office buildings into residential spaces. - Concord Monitor
NH removes barriers to training more LNA’s
A new law aims to address New Hampshire's LNA shortage by easing the licensing process for people who speak English as a second language, as nearly 20% of LNA positions in hospitals were vacant as of April, according to the New Hampshire Hospital Association. - NH Public Radio
NH Expands Coverage for Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services
A new program will support incarcerated individuals transitioning to community settings, enhancing access to affordable mental health and substance use treatment services for Granite Staters when and where they need them most. - NH Dept. of Health & Human Services
GRANITE GRIT - Building & Infrastructure
Invest NH program creating thousands of new affordable homes*
Supported by the NH Housing Finance Authority, Invest NH aims to build 1,500 apartments, with over 60% of those qualifying as “affordable”. From 2022-2023, local and state construction increased 20% to a total value of $1.18 billion. - The Keene Sentinel
*Shout out to Granite Goodness podcast guest Matt Gallant, who works for NH Housing
NH adds 150th resident-owned community, setting nationally leading standard in affordable homeownership
New Hampshire, the first state where residents of a manufactured housing community formed a cooperative to manage bylaws and maintain affordability, marked a milestone last year as Derry Oak Village, a 27-home park, became the state's 150th resident-owned community. - NH Business Review
NH DBEA announces housing growth program for municipalities
Administered by the NH Department of Business & Economic Affairs, the Housing Champion program enables unique funding opportunities for municipalities promoting workforce housing, improved walkability and public transport, and other pro-growth measures. - NH DBEA
40 unit affordable housing development opens in Conway
River Turn Apartments is Avesta Housing’s first project in the Mount Washington Valley. - Avesta Housing
96-units of affordable housing in Peterborough begin construction
Catholic Charities NH began building a 96-unit affordable and workforce housing complex on Vose Farm Road, supported by $625,000 in tax credits from the New Hampshire Community Development Finance Authority (CDFA). - Monadnock Ledger Transcript
Nashua completes 216 unit affordable housing complex
Monahan Manor contains 216-units, 206 of which are designated as affordable housing. - NH Business Review
Laconia adds 24 units of affordable rentals
Laconia Housing now provides homes for nearly 1,500 residents with units in Laconia, Belmont, and Northfield. - NH Business Review
Southern New Hampshire experiencing rapid development
Derry’s economic director, Berry Donovan, emphasized that many development projects are in the pipeline, with lots of inquiries for further development. - Union Leader
Portsmouth approves pro-housing zoning changes*
Portsmouth’s City Council approved a new zoning ordinance to encourage higher-density housing development along Commerce Way and Portsmouth Boulevard, aiming to address the city's housing shortage. - New Hampshire Business Review
*Shoutout to Granite Goodness podcast guest Deaglan McEachern, who is quoted in this article!
100 unit apartment complex opens in Manchester
The mayor expects the new residents to support continued economic growth in Downtown Manchester. - Manchester Inklink
NH construction employment increase 15th largest in the country
Federal legislation has spurred building nationwide, leading to a 10.5% increase in NH’s construction employment since 2018. - Laconia Daily Sun
Franklin mills being rehabbed into new housing units
The former mills off Central Street in downtown Franklin have been revitalized into a vibrant mixed-use development, blending residential, commercial, and green spaces with modern apartments and amenities along the Winnipesaukee River. - Concord Monitor
Concord building new arts and restaurant development
Known as "Arts Alley," the project features a two-story structure situated between the Bank of New Hampshire Stage and the Concord Food Co-op. It will include a Friendly Toast restaurant, an outdoor dining space, and the renovation of the Norris Bakery and Homestead Stable Building into "Duke's," a Nashville-themed venue emphasizing live music. - Concord Monitor
Downpayment assistance for NH home buyers increases to $15,000
Beginning August 1, 2024, New Hampshire Housing revamped its Cash Assistance Program, moving away from a tiered percentage approach and instead offering flat amounts of $5,000, $10,000, or $15,000 in downpayment aid. This increases the previous maximum of $10,000 to $15,000, providing homebuyers with more substantial support. - New Hampshire Housing
USDA rural development program awards $475,000 to Franconia, NH to build recreational facility
Thanks to grant funding, a multi-season recreation center will be built, featuring an outdoor refrigerated ice rink as well as pickleball and basketball courts. This new venue is expected to expand local activities, draw visitors throughout the year, and offer a valuable amenity for residents. - Northern Border Regional Development Commission
Construction begins on NH’s first net-zero housing units designed for middle class buyers
Aspire Residential plans to introduce 26 market-rate duplexes featuring net-zero design, expected to hit the market by the end of next year. - NHPR
Polling data shows increase in pro-housing attitudes among Granite Staters
A recent survey showed 62% of respondents believing the state should encourage municipalities to reduce barriers to housing development and 61% saying their towns should ease planning and zoning rules for new housing. - NH Housing
GRANITE GROWTH - Economy & Workforce
NH tops national rankings for economic freedom, again
New Hampshire ranks first in the latest Fraser Institute Economic Freedom of North America (EFNA) index. The EFNA examines government spending, taxation, and labor market freedom. - Forbes
NH outpacing national post-pandemic wage growth
Although the average American worker’s real wages haven’t changed much since late 2019, employees in certain states—like New Hampshire—are seeing notable pay bumps, particularly in picturesque regions that attract remote workers and face labor shortages. - Union Leader
Study shows Monadnock art and culture generates millions in economic activity
90% of nonlocal survey respondents said their reason for visiting the region was to attend an artistic or cultural event, bringing some ~$25 million and supporting hundreds of jobs. - Keene Sentinel
Report indicates higher-ed sector produces billions in economic activity to NH
A recent report from the New England Board of Education estimates the 2023 economic footprint of NH’s higher-ed system— including jobs created, federal tax, and university system spending — to be ~$1.4 billion. - Business NH Magazine
Fall tourism season brought billions to New Hampshire
The NHDBEA estimated that ~3.7 million visitors spent ~$1.8 billion this fall. - NHDBEA
NH household median income increased in 2023
2023 data shows median household income returning to 2021 levels. - NHFPI
Recent study corroborates positive impact of new housing on school systems
The study showed higher density housing as generating more net benefits than single family housing. - New Hampshire Housing
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard injects record $1.54 billion into regional economy
From 2022 to 2023, the number of civilian employees increased by ~100 to 7,469 and payroll increased 8% to $716.2 million - Mainebiz
Outdoor recreation provides $3.9 billion economic boost to NH
A recent report from the US Department of Commerce shows that outdoor recreation contributes $3.9 billion to New Hampshire’s economy, accounting for 3.4% of its GDP and supporting nearly 32,000 jobs, making it a key driver of the state’s economic health and ranking it 9th nationally in this sector's GDP share. - Granite Outdoor Alliance
Two airlines expand service to Manchester NH
The new Jet Blue routes will futher connect New Hampshire to North Carolina and Florida, generating job creation, tourism revenue, and expanded business opportunities. - NH Dept of Business & Economics Affairs
Sun Country, a budget-friendly leisure airline serving over 150 destinations across North America and the Caribbean, introduced its first scheduled passenger service at Manchester’s airport. This launch represents an annual operating commitment of more than $2 million. - Manchester Ink Link
NH broadband expansion coming to ‘bridge gaps’ to internet access
New Hampshire is poised to invest substantial federal funding to expand broadband internet statewide, with the goal of closing gaps among various social and income groups, according to state economic officials. - New Hampshire Business Review
New Hampshire is becoming more racially diverse
Although New Hampshire still ranks low in racial and ethnic diversity, recent data show that its BIPOC and Hispanic communities are expanding. - NH Center for Justice & Equity
New Hampshire population growth increases
Population data shows that rural areas around the White Mountains have experienced larger population boosts from July 2020 to 2023. - New Hampshire Business Review
Union Leader granted loan to keep pension plans afloat*
The New Hampshire Union Leader has been approved for a $1 million loan from the state's Business Finance Authority to help pay off long-standing pension debts that are burdening its finances. The loan will assist the newspaper in addressing its pension obligations without reducing employee benefits, but will require raising additional funds and restructuring executive payouts to ensure its long-term viability. - NHPR
*Shout out to Granite Goodness guest James Key-Wallace, who is quoted in this article!
Keene State College partnership offers training in advanced “diamond turning” precision manufacturing
Keene State College is launching a significant collaboration with AmeriCOM this year, creating alternative career pathways in optics manufacturing for those who don’t pursue a four-year degree. - NH Business Review
GRANITE GADGETS - Science & Innovation

University of New Hampshire launches new center for space technology
The Space Technology Hub aims to help meet the growing demand for talent and tech in the commercial space industry. According to the World Economic Forum, this sector could be worth up to $1.8 trillion by 2035, driven by advancements in satellite and rocket technologies. - UNH Today
UNH receives $10 million boost for New Hampshire biotech employment
Funded by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration, the award will support UNH’s Manchester campus in its goal of nurturing an innovative workforce for southern New Hampshire’s rapidly growing bio-fabrication sector. - UNH Manchester
Manchester’s ReGen Valley receieving $44 million via tech hubs program
Earlier last year, officials announced a $44 million federal investment to advance Manchester’s large-scale production of human tissue and organs. The U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration recently designated the Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute, also known as “ReGen Valley,” as one of 12 Tech Hubs across the country. - NH Business Review
$12 million granted to UNH to advance marine energy research
The Atlantic Marine Energy Center (AMEC), led by the University of New Hampshire, focuses on advancing ocean-based clean energy technology and building relevant expertise. A $12 million award from the U.S. Department of Energy will support AMEC’s research, infrastructure enhancements, and workforce training in the marine energy sector. - UNH Today
UNH wins $24 million to build weather sensing technology in space
UNH received $24 million to develop sensors that monitor solar wind and provide early warnings of space weather dangers, such as geomagnetic storms that can disrupt power grids, satellites, and GPS systems. - UNH Today
3D printing innovator chooses UNH as home for first American location
On June 17, 2024, the University of New Hampshire hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the John Olson Advanced Manufacturing Center to welcome Australian metal 3D printing pioneer SPEE3D, which opened its first U.S. manufacturing and applications facility. - UNH Today
Keene Launches New Optics Lab
Keene State College, in collaboration with the American Center for Optics Manufacturing Inc., is boosting opportunities for students, faculty, and regional employers in precision manufacturing—an initiative that addresses local workforce needs. - The Keene Sentinel
UNH researcher wins national recognition for work with fisheries industry
Fisheries extension specialist Gabriela Bradt has been recognized by the Sea Grant Extension Assembly for her work with stakeholders to manage the invasive green crab. The work captured press attention for its collaboration with Tamworth Distilling that birthed a whiskey infused with Green Crabs. - UNH Today
NH SpaceX pilot joins milestone mission for commercial spaceflight
The Polaris Dawn mission outlines four key goals: achieving the highest orbit ever reached, carrying out the first commercial spacewalk, evaluating the performance of new Starlink communication systems, and conducting extensive testing on next-generation spacesuit technology that can endure temperature swings of up to ±250 degrees Fahrenheit. - WMUR
Dartmouth Health receives $28M grant to bolster innovation research
The National Institutes of Health recently awarded Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center a $27.7 million grant supporting projects capable of accelerating medical innovations. - Dartmouth College Geisel School of Medicine
UNH researchers study changes in environmental nitrogen levels across 17 years
The work could help scientists understand climate change’s impact on regional ecosystems via fluctuating nitrogen levels. - UNH Today
UNH researchers pioneer environmental acoustics research
UNH scientists measure nature sounds to estimate wildlife populations and work across disciplines to learn their effect on human health. - UNH SPARK
NSF awards UNH $8M to enhance science and tech workforce
An $8 million NSF grant to the University of New Hampshire will expand the state’s science and technology research and strengthen its STEM workforce by supporting colleges and universities statewide. One of only three such grants in the country, it boosts research opportunities, mentoring, training, and industry partnerships among community colleges, four-year schools, and universities. - UNH Today

Plymouth State joins NH institutions easing path from community college to four-year degree
Five New Hampshire institutions, including Plymouth State, have streamlined pathways for students with associate degrees from local community colleges. - Plymouth State University
NH enlists Khan Academy for AI tutoring contract, first in nation
New Hampshire officials approved free access to a pilot AI tutoring and teaching assistant program for all teachers and students in grades 5-12 statewide. - Union Leader
NH leans on local control to find solutions for smartphones in schools
More transparent, collaborative policies are being tested and finding initial success across the state. - Concord Monitor
Rural NH high school experiencing education renaissance
Franklin is reinventing the conventional high school model to be more flexible and student-focused. Despite limited resources, the district is committed to helping teenagers thrive. - Union Leader
NH high school students self organizing to drive up voter registration at schools
Teens across New Hampshire are holding registration drives that have already added over 500 new voters this school year, including 45 in Exeter. Foundation support is helping nonpartisan groups like Open Democracy and The Civics Center promote youth voter engagement statewide. - NH Charitable Foundation
For qualifying students, Saint Anselm College now offers free tuition
To be eligible, students must have a GPA of 3.25 or greater and come from families with incomes below <$100,000. - Concord Monitor
Dartmouth Hitchcock offers two new advanced medicine programs
The first is a “mountain medicine diploma” (the first of its kind east of the Rocky Mountains) which aims to equip physicians, advanced practice providers, nurses, and paramedics with skills in mountain rescue and survival. The second, a new curriculum series to help progress the launch of innovative medical devices. - NBC
That’s it for this special edition of the Good News in New Hampshire Newsletter. This newsletter is free and shareable to anyone anywhere. We also post on Instagram, Linkedin, and Facebook.
If you are hungry for good news beyond the borders of the Granite State, I encourage you to check out our friends at Fix the News or the Progress Network.
*Special shout out to some of our podcast guests:
who were involved in some of the stories and work listed above.
Thanks for reading!